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Infertility and Obesity

About Infertility and Obesity

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat begins to interrupt the health of a
person. People with a body mass index (BMI) above 30 are categorized as obese. Owing to
the change in lifestyle patterns, obesity has become a prime concern for both men and
women across the globe. Inadequate nutrition, overeating, a lethargic lifestyle, and less or
no physical activity are some factors contributing to the increased prevalence of obesity.
Obesity is generally a combination of several factors including the genetic make-up of a
person. For instance, some people are more prone to be obese than others. This is due to
their family history of obesity. In the earlier days, obesity was not much of a concern even
with a family history. Technological advancement, however, has changed both behaviour
and the environment which contributes largely to the development of the disease.
Obesity, in itself, can be called a house of diseases because it aggravates other health
conditions in the body including Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and infertility.

Infertility and Obesity
Obesity causes an overall decline in the fertility of both men and women. A significant
amount of body fat starts interfering with the reproductive health of the human body.
Although it affects women at most large, its effect, however, is also prominent in men. It has
been found that obesity causes a rise in oestrogen levels in males and a fall in testosterone

levels. The elevated oestrogen levels suppress fertility. Furthermore, other metabolic
syndromes arising due to obesity also affect erection and ejaculation in men.
Obesity in females is linked to an irregular menstrual cycle, increased androgen levels,
PCOS, and problems with ovulation. This occurs due to excess fat in the abdominal area.
Moreover, a combination of obesity and diabetes is lethal for fertility in women.

Weight Loss and Fertility
Weight loss is the only option for obese couples trying to get pregnant. It is often regarded
as the first step in fertility treatment. Surprisingly, even a loss of 5-10% of body weight in
obese people can significantly improve fertility.
Our team at WINGS IVF are expert at dealing with fertility-related issues. We provide a
special approach to treating your obesity and infertility with a combination of a holistic
approach and advanced science.